Commissioner Tom Ramsey Continues Pushing Common Sense Budget
“Our starting point for a budget has to begin with where we are today. From there, we look at what we need and add to that number. Judge Hidalgo and Commissioners Ellis and Garcia create a budget first by looking at how high they can increase revenues without having to go to the voters. This rate is known as the Voter Approved Rate (VAR). The VAR for 2023 creates an additional $256M in tax revenue. The $256M is where they are referencing all the “cuts” and “losses” come from, even though that rate was never adopted, and funds never received by the departments.
Judge Hidalgo and Commissioners Ellis and Garcia’s messaging of “cuts,” “losses,” and “reductions,” are misleading. And their way of creating a budget is backwards and inconsiderate of the needs and wants of our residents.
Since September 6th, I’ve been advocating for 200 patrol officers countywide. I’m glad Commissioners Cagle and Garcia have included that in their proposals. I’ve also listened to our residents, and from what I hear – their priorities are in this order:
1. Crime & Safety
2. Flooding
3. Healthcare
We owe it to the residents to achieve these priorities by being fiscally responsible.
Here’s my proposal on how Harris County Commissioners Court can honor and represent the wishes of our residents. Starting with our current budget of $2.1B (which is the same budget we had last year):
Harris County General Budget
+ $20M for 200 patrol officers (100 for Sheriff’s Office and 100 for Constables)
+ $20M for across the board pay increases in law enforcement
+ $20M for the District Attorney’s Office
Harris County Flood Control District
+ $23M
Hospital District
TOTAL: $100M in new tax dollars ($156M less than the currently proposed VAR)
I’m hopeful that my colleagues will look at this proposal in consideration for what’s truly best for all our constituents. I look forward to discussing it at Monday’s special meeting."
Below are the approximate rates for the current $2.1B budget, the proposed VAR of $256M increase, and Commissioner Ramsey’s counter proposal (the lowest tax impact of all the proposals).